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Digital Humanities


Future Knowledge: Conversations on Criticism, Computation, and Culture will provide the UNCW community with an opportunity to explore the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of humanistic inquiry. Emerging technologies, computational methods and vast amounts of data are partially responsible for transforming the way researchers and students understand their work and disciplines. This is especially true in the humanities, social sciences, and arts where the impacts of these advances are still unfolding. This series will bring leading scholars into conversation with our university community to help us better understand how these developments are contributing to a growth in interdisciplinarity and reshaping humanistic inquiry in the twenty-first century. The Future Knowledge seminar series is supported by an Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series (IRSS) grant from the UNCW Research Development Office

Fall 2024

Jonathan Kramnick (Yale) will be visiting UNCW on Thursday, October 17, 2024. Kramnick will lead a workshop for faculty and students and give a public lecture on his recent work, Criticism and Truth: On Method in Literary Studies (U Chicago, 2023). Details about the events are forthcoming and will be posted online here and circulated across campus. For more information, please contact John Knox at

Spring 2025 

Jessica Otis (George Mason University) will be visiting UNCW in spring 2025 (tentatively late March). Otis will lead a workshop for faculty and students and give a public lecture on her recent work, By the Numbers: Numeracy, Religion, and the Quantitative Transformation of Early Modern England (Oxford UP, 2023) and related digital projects. Details about the events are forthcoming and will be posted online here and circulated across campus. For more information, please contact John Knox at