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The First Amendment
Federal & State Documents-First Amendment Resources
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The First Amendment
First Amendment-Some Starting Points
First Amendment & Free Speech: Background Information
Federal & State Documents-First Amendment Resources
UNCW Library Resources-First Amendment
Government Information Librarian
Elisabeth Garner
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Current Topics
Government Resources
Religious Liberty and the First Amendment Defense Act
Religious Liberty and H.R. 2802, The First Amendment Defense Act
Hearing before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform House of Representatives
Sidewalks, Streets and Tweets: Is Twitter a Public Forum?
Is Twitter a Public Forum?
A brief from the Congressional Research Service, a group of researchers who work to assist legislators on various topics/subject matters
The First Amendment: Categories of Speech
Categories of Speech
Another brief published by the Congressional Research Service
First Amendment and Religion
First Amendment & Religion
A brief from the United States Courts federal site
First Amendment: Law Enforcement Training
First Amendment Online Training
A brief tutorial on how law enforcement officers should respond to First Amendment-protected events, from the US Department of Justice site
North Carolina State Constitution
Constitution of the state of North Carolina-1868
The 1868 Constitution was drafted to re-establish state government and to improve the state constitution up to the political standards of the mid 19th century.
Constitution of the State of North Carolina-1971
Constitution of the State of North Carolina-1971
The most recent iteration of the state of North Carolina's Constitution.
First Amendment & Free Speech: Background Information
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