Try using these keywords and phrases when you search the Library Catalog and the Databases:
- cinemascope
- hollywood ten
- screwball comed*
- "film noir" and light*
- "film noir" and wom?n
- "alfred hitchcock" and perform*
- blacklist and screenwrit*
- hollywood and melodrama*
- censor* and "production code"
- musical and (film or cinema) and styl*
- silent and (film or cinema) and act*
- (star or stardom) and "motion pictures" and market*
- (star or stardom) and (film or cinema) and (publicity or promotion*)
Videos and DVDs
DVDs are on the first floor of the library and VHS tapes are on the second floor. Both are shelved according to Library of Congress call number. To locate the call number of a film, search the Library Catalog. You can also use the drop down menu on the library's homepage "Find and Research" and look for "Videos and DVDs" there. You can search for streaming films on that search page, as well.
- Know the title of the work? Try a TITLE search. Example: Cape Fear [title]
- Know the subject area? Try a SUBJECT search, and then LIMIT/SORT by the material type [videorecording]. Example: Korean War [subject]. You can also limit the search by video.
- Know the performer or director? Try an AUTHOR search. Example: Scorsese, Martin [author/artist]
- Want a listing of all of our DVDs? Try a SUBJECT search using DVD.