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ENG 103/201: Composition

This guide will introduce you to the steps of the research process and resources relevant to College Reading & Writing students.

Research Support

If at any point you want support during the research process, please reach out to a librarian. We are here to work with you on developing a topic, finding resources, identifying search terms, evaluating sources, access issues, etc.

If you're researching something major-specific, consider scheduling an appointment with your liaison librarian! These subject-specific librarians are experts at researching in your field and you will want to get to know them as you get into your major classes. Unsure of who to meet with, or your research doesn't fit neatly into one subject area? You are also always welcome to make an appointment with Brittany O'Neill, the Information Literacy Librarian and liaison librarian for the Composition program.

You can schedule a consultation with a librarian using the "Schedule Appointment" link below, or you can submit a question via our website's Get Help page.

Research Drop-Ins

Banner that says Composition Research Drop-Ins with an animated magnifying glass scanning different types of documents.

Have questions about research? Trying to find that perfect article, statistic, or image to include in your project? Not sure if the source you've found is the best one to use?

Join Information Literacy Librarian, Brittany O'Neill, at a Composition Research Drop-In! These are dedicated office hours for you to ask questions, get support, or get ahead with your research at any stage in the process in your ENG 101/103/201 course. Come solo or bring a friend from class (or if you're working on a group project, bring the whole group)! Brittany will meet with students on a first-come, first-served basis. More extensive research needs may be referred for a follow-up consultation. No need to register ahead - just drop in! (Note: if you need support with citations or formatting, please visit the Writing Lab.)

Spring 2023 Research Drop-Ins

Don't see a time that works for you? Feel free to schedule a one-on-one research consultation based on your schedule!