Randall Library is now providing drop-in consultation hours for research data analysis in SPSS, R, and Excel. Students, faculty, and staff are welcome to stop in, unannounced, for help with issues such as:
If you have questions or feedback about this service, please direct your inquiries to Lynnee Argabright, Research Data Librarian at UNCW (ArgabrightL@uncw.edu).
Thanks to a partnership with the College of Science and Engineering, we are hosting drop-in consultations as part of the new Statistical Collaboration and Training Center, located in the Visualization and Analysis Lab in UNCW Library's Discovery Hall or over Zoom.
Spring 2025 hours are available here: https://library.uncw.edu/sctc/our_services.
If you're not available during these times, you may direct your data analysis questions to DataAnalysis-Lib@uncw.edu with details about the background and problems you are facing with your code (screenshots or code files could be helpful reference as well). During the next available drop-in hours, we will look into the issues and get back to you by email.
As of Fall 2022, Randall Library is now lending graphing calculators – TI-83 & 84 Plus, including 11 python-capable TI-84 Plus – for 24-hour loans. Refer to the Texas Instruments TI-83 and the TI-84 manuals for how to use them.
Check them out at the Library Technology Help Desk, in the library's Discovery Hall: https://library.uncw.edu/makerstudio/techcheckout