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Medical Sociology

Sociology, SOC 337, S.M. Smith, Spring 2021


On this guide are some potential places to look as you do your COVID-19 research papers, including article databases, scholarly journals, citation guides to APA and ASA, and more. 

Please note that the top link in the "Article Databases" section is to something called SocArXiV, which is an open access archive containing what are called "preprints" - research that has not yet gone through the peer-review process. Because COVID-19 is so new, there may not yet be a huge quantity of published articles on the topic. So, if you are looking for articles specifically on COVID, SocArXiv is probably your best bet. More traditional published articles, by contrast, will contain good contextual or background information on social issues related to health and medicine.

"What is a Scholarly Article?" Tutorial Video