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Practice of History: Jewish Humor and History

History, HST 290, Spring 2018, Jarrod Tanny

Using Subject Headings to Find Books

It is likely that all of you will use books as references, whether as primary or secondary sources. One really good way to find books is to use the library catalog ( and use the subjects to navigate around the catalog. You might do an initial search for your topic, and then once you find a relevant book, click on related subjects on the page describing the book and see what other books have been assigned that subject. A few subjects that might be useful for this class are

If you're researching an individual, their name might be used as a subjects as well. For example:

Getting Started: Books

The below books might be good starting places if you don't really know what you want to focus on for your research. They could also be good resources for some of you as you begin the research process.