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Public Performance Rights for Screening Media

Public Performance Rights for Screening Media

What are Public Performance Rights?

Public Performance Rights (PPR) are the legal rights to publicly show a film or video (media). Normally the media producer or distributor manages these rights. The rights-holder can assign PPR to others through a Public Performance License.

When are Public Performance Rights Required?

PPR are required for:

  • All screenings of copyrighted media to the general public and to audiences outside of regular curriculum. Examples:
    • Student club events
    • Extracurricular sponsored events such as general lectures
    • Film showings

PPR are not required for:

Why should you learn about Public Performance Rights?

Showing media, whether borrowed from the library or rented / purchased, to groups outside of the classroom may be illegal, and may place the University at risk legally.

Do UNCW Libraries purchase videos with Public Performance Rights?

Since UNCW Randall Library acquires media to support the curriculum, and face-to-face teaching is exempt from PPR, Randall Library does not typically secure PPR with video purchases. However, many distributors of our educational videos include PPR in the purchase price, which means these videos can be shown anywhere to anyone.

Courtesy of ASU Libraries