Although you are not required to use books for this paper, some might prove to be helpful in your research. Try clicking on "UNCW Library Catalog" below the main search box and typing in relevant terms, then using the subject terms provided for an individual book to find related books. For example:
If you click on this title, you will see that the subject terms in this book's catalog entry are "Communities," "Social networks," and "Neighborliness." If you click on any of those, you will be able to view a list of all books in Randall Library that have been given that subject.
Below are some potential databases to use as starting points. Depending on your community, you might want to use databases in other subject areas as well (for example, if you are researching a sorority or fraternity, you might want to look at education databases; if you are looking into a religious community, try a religion database).
There are a few ways to find news articles. One is to search for individual newspapers or magazines in the UNCW Library Catalog (e.g. New York Times). The other is to use a database that searches across multiple news sources. I've included examples of both below.