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UNCW Records Management

This is a guide for all UNCW employees on records management.

General Records Retention and Disposition Schedule

How to Use the Records Schedule

The table of contents lists records series by broad topic, like facilities or information technology. UNCW offices may refer to all series and are not limited to certain sections.

Search the PDF document for keywords by using the Ctrl F function. For example, search for "search committee" or "accounts payable" to find information on that specific record type. 

How the Schedule is Organized

The Schedule is organized by business functions carried out by the University into 18 broad groups. The groups refer to the purpose of the records, not the name of the unit they are created or used by. Within the 18 groups, the schedule is broken down into more specific record types.

Key Concepts

  • Destruction: appropriate disposal of records after retention ends, method can vary by record type (e.g. confidential recycling, secure delete, etc.)
  • Record Series: a group of related records; the sections of the General Records Retention Schedule
  • Retention and disposition: how long you must keep a record and what to do with it after that period ends
  • Record Copy: original or official copy of a record that is retained for legal, operational, or historical purposes
  • Office of Record: the office responsible for the record copy
  • Permanent: the disposition specified for records of enduring value that must be actively maintained in an accessible and readable format and preserved indefinitely (in many cases, records marked for permanent retention will eventually be transferred to the University Archives)
  • Reference Copy: an unofficial copy of a record that is maintained for ease of access and reference
  • Transitory records: records that are transactional or for temporary use (e.g. emails about meeting room changes or appointment confirmations).