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UNCW Records Management

This is a guide for all UNCW employees on records management.

Using this Guide

  • The Records Schedule - learn about the General Records Retention and Disposition Schedule and how to use it
  • Getting Started - learn why we manage records, what records are, basic overview of key terminology
  • Review Strategies - learn about how to review large amounts of records and organization tips
  • Digital Records - learn about some unique digital records issues as well as tips on file organization
  • Sensitive Records - learn about what information needs to be confidential and protected as you manage records
  • Archival Records - learn about the role of the University Archives in housing permanent records of long-term historical value
  • FAQ - this page provides a list of answers to commonly asked questions

Records Management Resources


This guide is based on the Records Management at UNC-Chapel Hill guide. Thank you to the UNC Archivist and Assistant University Archivist for Digital Records & Records Management for granting permission to reuse their guide. Thank you also to the University Archivist and University Records Manager at East Carolina University for allowing us to re-use "The Simple Records Management Workflow" diagram and explanation from the Records Management at ECU guide.