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Guitar Resource Page

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Use the search box below to look for books, videos, journals, and other items held in Randall Library's collections. Note that this search can't be used to find journal articles--for that you'll need to either use a database or go to the library's main search at

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Finding Books on the Shelves

M125-M129               Guitar alone

M276-M277               Guitar with piano accompaniment

M282-M283               Works for balalaika, domra etc. with piano

M292-M293               Duets–two plectral instruments

M294-M295               Duets–with one string instrument

M296-M297               Duets–with one wind instrument

M1037.4                     Concertos with orchestra

M1137.4                     Concertos with string orchestra

ML1015.G9               Guitar, history and criticism

MT580-MT588          Studies and methods