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Finding Data

Get Help Finding Data Sets

Contact the research data librarian if you would like assistance finding data. The following websites provide some good starting points.

Three quick points as you begin searching for data:

  1. What is your research question? This will help you identify what data, and therefore, data source to look for
    1. Data topic
    2. Year range of data
    3. Geographic level of data (country level, state level, county level...) 
  2. What are you trying to do with the data? This could help determine how aggregated the dataset you use can be to accomplish your analysis.
  3. All data databases tend to have different platform interfaces. Finding data can be tricky--so please ask for help!

Trainings at UNCW:

Using secondary data for your research question

Subject-specific data sources

Many of the disciplinary subject guides include data source suggestions relevant to the discipline, located in a "Data and Statistics" tab. Here are a few examples of other UNCW library guides that have great source suggestions.

However, if you're still having trouble finding a dataset to fit your particular data need, set up a meeting with Lynnee for personalized suggestions!

Databases at UNCW

Government data sources

Researcher datasets