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North Carolina General Assembly

The North Carolina General Assembly, or the GA, is the lawmaking body in the state of North Carolina

North Carolina General Assembly

The North Carolina General Assembly, or GA as it is often referred to, consists of two main bodies or houses. These include the Senate with 50 members, and the House of Representatives, consisting of 120 members. Each legislator represents either a Senatorial District or a House District.  Beginning in January of each odd-numbered year, regular sessions of the GA will meet.  They then adjourn and reconvene the following even-numbered year, to hold a shorter session.

The laws of North Carolina are known as the General Statutes and are made by members of the GA, who meet in their respective chambers (or houses) on Monday evenings.  Additionally, they meet during the day on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, returning to their respective home districts on weekends to tend to personal business and meet with constituents.

The presiding officer of the Senate is the Lieutenant Governor of the State, and the presiding officer of the House of Representatives is known as the Speaker, who is elected from the members of the House. A President Pro Tempore is elected by members of the Senate, who, along with the Speaker of the House, will appoint members to serve on standing committees of each of the two respective bodies of the GA. (The House and the Senate). 

There are more than a dozen or so committees in each body of the GA, and every bill that is introduced in either the House or the Senate, will be reviewed by at least one standing committee in the Senate and in the House of Representatives.  Each legislator will serve on several different committees. During the week, different committee meetings are held in the mornings and afternoon, where much of the legislative work is discussed and debated.

Lastly, both the Senate and the House have a Sergeant at Arms who acts as a police officer.  The Sergeant at Arms has assistants who act as "doorkeepers" while members of the House and Senate are meeting to discuss legislation.


NC General Assembly website

North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina Session Laws 1959-Present

North Carolina Session Laws 1777-2018

North Carolina State Government Publications Collection

North Carolina Bills and Laws

North Carolina State Constitution

North Carolina Legislative Library
