Resource providing aging statistics in the U.S. The agency works to widen informational access, foster communication between data collectors, researchers, and policy makers, as well as investigate issues of data quality, and dissemination of data.
A collection of data and research projects funded by the Administration for Community Living which include indicators of well-being, aging minority groups, census reports, and publications from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitative Research (NIDILRR).
Statistical data on aging populations in the U.S. Data covers topics such as smoking, obesity, mortality, and leading causes of death. Information provided by the NCHS division of the CDC. Access available for statistics on other age groups.
Division of the CDC that collects and reports accurate health statistics for better policy-making. Resource also provides information about publications, budget, and employment.
The North Carolina State Center for Health Statistics is responsible for data collection, health-related research, production of reports and maintenance of a comprehensive collection of health statistics.
The best known and most popular single source of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States. This database is designed to serve as a convenient, easy-to-use statistical reference source and as a guide to statistical publications and sources.
ICPSR maintains and provides access to a vast archive of social science data for research and instruction, including a data archive of more than 500,000 files of research in the social sciences. It hosts 16 specialized collections of data in education, aging, criminology, criminal justice, social work, sociology, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields.
You do not need to be on-campus to create an account but you must log in to your account from a UNCW IP address or UNCW-owned computer at least once to be associated with the UNCW membership.
This five-volume reference work reflects thirty years of new data and scholarship. Topics ranging from migration and health to crime and the Confederate States of America are each placed in historical context by a recognized expert in the field.
Provides access to the extensive Data-Planet repository of standardized and structured statistical data. Through a single platform, users can search and browse 35 billion data points in over 4.9 billion datasets sourced from over 70 authoritative government and private sources, covering 16 subject areas. The platform's powerful functionality allows users to manipulate datasets, compare multiple indicators, chart trends over time and spatially represent data without requiring additional software programs. Multiple export options are provided. Find more information.