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UNCW Center for Marine Science History

A guide to researching the history of Marine Biology and the Center for Marine Science at UNCW

Scholarly Works

To find scholarly research articles by marine sciences faculty and researchers, you can search Randall Library's subscription databases: See also these subject guides to help you find scholarly articles and other information in biology, oceanography, and environmental sciences.

State Government Publications

Search across NC State Government Publications

Find research reports and other information about UNCW marine sciences, co-authored or produced by various agencies.

Publications in UNCW Library

Subject Headings

Here are some subject terms to help you find resources about research and education at the Center for Marine Science throughout its history. You may need to add geographical terms as keywords to narrow down a broad subject heading. For example, try modifying your search string to include "North Carolina" as a keyword in addition to the standard subject heading "Biology -- Study and teaching (Graduate)."

  • Biology -- Study and teaching (Graduate)
  • Environmental impact analysis -- North Carolina -- Cape Fear River
  • Environmental impact analysis -- North Carolina -- New Hanover County
  • Environmental monitoring -- North Carolina -- Wilmington
  • Environmental sciences -- Study and teaching (Higher)
  • Marine biology -- Research -- North Carolina
  • Marine biology -- Study and teaching -- North Carolina
  • Marine sciences -- Research -- North Carolina
  • Marine sciences -- Study and teaching -- North Carolina
  • Oceanographic research stations
  • Oceanography -- Research
  • Research vessels

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